Wednesday, June 19, 2013

SKORA | CORE - Women's - Shop

My Running shoes.  Love them.
SKORA | CORE - Women's - Shop

Weight Loss from The Paleo Diet

Weight Loss from The Paleo Diet
I'm new to this whole blogging thing, so bear with me here.  After much research, I've decided that I am going to go Paleo.  I'm actually just wanting to lean more toward fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and grass fed meats or wild caught fish.  Is it going to be hard?  Very much so.  It's hard to get grass fed meats at a good price so that can become a problem for me.  I really don't want to eat processed food anymore.  The book that I'm reading for marathon training is "The Non-Runners Marathon Trainer", by David Whitsett, Forest Dollenger and Tanjala Kole.  I plan on running the Napa Valley Marathon on March 2nd 2014.  That gives me 8 1/2 months.  I think that will be ample time, even with my exercise induced asthma.

Let me tell a bit about myself, that way you can understand me and why I'm taking this journey.  I am 36.  I have 2 step children.  I could not have children of my own.  Not being able to have children has left an emptiness inside of me, and it's kind of lonely.  I tried to adopt several times, but it never worked out (Don't think I will ever try that again, too depressing when the mother backs out). I don't know if I'm having some kind of a mid life crisis or what the deal is, but I'm going into a panic inside, thinking I will grow old and alone.  Also I keep asking myself, is this all???  Is this it? I don't want to feel this way anymore.  I want to make my life exciting.  I've always wanted to run a marathon, so since I didn't get the "child bearing big event", I'm going to create a "big event" for me.  Something that I will always feel proud of.   Instead of focusing on how sad I am over not having children, I'm going to focus on how amazing I feel, and how wonderful I'm doing in marathon training.  I really want to run my first marathon in Hawaii, but I don't think I will be ready by December.  I am going to treat myself to a little vacation to Napa Valley, I've always wanted to go there.  Wish me luck.  I know I can do this.  I can do anything, and I deserve this big event, I really do. I deserve to have my focus in a positive happy place.  And who knows, maybe I can actually meet some people on the way who are like minded.

Monday, June 17, 2013

I start training to run a marathon tomorrow.

I am going to start training for a marathon tomorrow.  Am I nervous?  Yes!  I don't have a record for finishing things in my life.  I started college twice and didn't finish :(  I start crochet projects and have yet to finish one.  I do finish good books and diets.  I've done the HCG diet and lost 100 pounds only to gain it back.  What I've learned is that eating healthy and exercise are the only real ways to lose weight and keep it off.  Had I done the HCG and changed my eating habits and exercise habits, I could have kept the weight off, but I didn't.  So, here I am wanting to change everything about my eating and exercise habits.  I've read a lot about nutrition.  I've been vegan, and vegetarian before, but I didn't feel good because I was eating a lot of processed foods.  I've been low carb, still eating a lot of processed foods.  What I've realized is that it's the processed foods that harm us.  The processed foods keep us fat and sick.  I'm really thinking I want to go Paleo....  Healthy Paleo.  But where do I start?  I feel like I'm embarking on this journey alone.  But, maybe someone will find my blog and want to take the journey with me.  Maybe in the long run there will be something I can teach someone else.  The one thing I have to mention is that I have exercise induced asthma.  I also have eczema.  I believe that both of these things can be cured with diet.  When I did the HCG I wasn't eating dairy or wheat and my asthma went away.  I believe that Paleo will make it disappear again.  If you don't know what Paleo is, I recommend the book, "The Paleo Solution", by Robb Wolfe.  There are a lot of other good books, blogs and such on the subject, so google it and see what you come up with.  I also considered going raw vegan, but after much research I've decided Paleo is for me.  I am going to give it a try and see how I feel.  I will keep you posted.  I'm going to slowly start going Paleo, so as to not scare myself or my body.